About Us

What Is E-Waste ?

Electronic waste or e-waste describes end-of-life discarded electrical or electronic devices. Used electronics which are destined for refurbishment, reuse, resale, salvage recycling through material recovery, or disposal are also considered e-waste.

Our Grassroots

eWastage.com.au started as a second hand computer store bringing in stock from e-waste and recycling specialist wholesalers specifically for repurpose and refurbishment. Our mantra has always been to provide an eco-friendly facility to minimise the toxic effects of e-waste on the environment. We have learned a lot from the industry and wanted to help in the cause for a greener community which is how we transitioned into e-waste management.


How Do We Do It ?

Everything we collect is first and foremost considered for repurpose and refurbishment. Our vehicle drivers contact our customers in advance to confirm collection. Anything deemed unrepairable is broken down into individual parts and processed categorically through a recycling process with our channel partners, resulting in almost nothing that goes to landfill.


Our Promise

At eWastage.com.au we pride ourselves on individual and corporate on time logistics, safe and secure handoff and handle all data in accordance with Australian data breach laws. We make sure all assets are documented, tracked and if required, an appropriate data destruction process is provided - issued with fully certified Data Destruction Certificates where applicable. Our service is affordable and in many circumstances absolutely FREE ! ( See Pricing page for more information)